Board of Directors
2019-2020 LACEC Officers
Office | Officer Name | |
Past President | Ashlie Abercrombie Allardyce | |
President | Dr. Kay Wilson | |
President-Elect | Leslie Ortiz | |
Vice-President | Sarah Lemaire | |
Secretary | Kaitlyn Daigle | |
Treasurer |
Jade Viator |
Finance Chair | Dr. Donna Wadsworth | |
Membership | Bambi Polotzola | |
Newsletter | Mandy Roy | |
Government Relations (CAN) | Allie Boquet | |
Publicity/Award | Dr. Gerlinde Beckers | |
Constitution/By-Laws | President and Past-Presidents | |
Scholarship/Mini-Grants | Meghann Jordan | |
Culturally and Linguistically Diversity | Melissa Chastant-Huval | |
Technology |
Matthew Caillet |
SCEC State Advisor | Dr. Colleen Klein-Ezell | |
Ad-Hoc | Magi Bienvenu | |
SCEC President | Katlyn Daigle | |
SCEC Governor | Emma Beckers | |
Nominations |
Ashlie Abercrombie Allardyce |
LADEC President |
Dr. Maria Isolina Ruiz |
*Note: Technology Chairman Assistants
Last Updated:
16 March, 2021